Welcome Beth Mably

We are thrilled to formally welcome Beth Mably to the ghSMART team! Beth grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and moved to Texas to attend Southern MethodistUniversity on a full academic scholarship where she received degrees in bothDance and Finance. She later went to Dartmouth to pursue her MBA and spent the last 10 years working in strategy consulting at Bain & Company.
What made you want to join ghSMART?
I loved my time at Bain, working on my clients’ toughest strategy problems. As I looked ahead, I realized that the questions around people and talent were what gave me the most energy. Being able to focus exclusively on the people problem sreally attracted me to ghSMART from a work perspective. Another non-negotiable for me was to join another firm with a fantastic culture. When you look at ghSMART, they have the best “people” people. Culture was extremely important, and I’ve found it in spades here.
What are you passionate about professionally?
I really love problem solving. That comes into play both personally and professionally. I love identifying the problem statement and then rolling up my sleeves to figure out the best way to solve it. It’s also about getting creative, solving a problem not necessarily in the best or most academically correct sense but in a way that is actually feasible to allow you to achieve your goal.
I really love problem solving. That comes into play both personally and professionally. I love identifying the problem statement and then rolling up my sleeves to figure out the best way to solve it. It’s also about getting creative, solving a problem not necessarily in the best or most academically correct sense but in a way that is actually feasible to allow you to achieve your goal.
Bethcurrently lives in New York City and is a classically trained ballet dancer,certified in Elementary Labanotation, a system of recording and codifying humanmovement that dates back to the early 1900’s. Outside of work, she lovestraveling and learning about different cultures and food. To date she hasvisited over 30 countries.
Beth's full bio can be found here.